If you like to make a donation to the Geeta Bhawan Temple Loughborough UK, you may directly transfer to our bank account or set up a standing order as below :
Account Name: Geeta Bhawan
Bank : Lloyds Bank
Sort Code : 30-95-21
Account No: 00039880
Cash donations can also be made during Geeta Bhawan programmes.
If you are a UK tax payer, Geeta Bhawan charity can enable your donation to be made in a tax efficient way as a Gift Aid Donor. Please contact, Mr Kanwal Nain on Tel. 07587 253654 for details or use the form below to register.
Donating through Gift Aid means our charity can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.
The following Gift Aid Donor information will be required, your Name, Address and how much you have donated if you have directly transferred money to the Geeta Bhawan Bank Account and an email address so that we can supply you with an electronic receipt via email.
Please also contact us within 21 days if:
a) you expect to pay less UK Tax than your donation (cumulative Gift Aid claimed in this tax year) in UK Income and/or Capital Gains Tax in this tax year to meet the Gift Aid amount claimed back by our charity.
Your personal details, such as name and address, email address have changed or you wish to cancel your Gift Aid declaration.
b) If you have paid insufficient tax to meet the Gift Aid claimed by our charity HMRC may seek to recover this sum from you directly, as it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
Yours sincerely
Geeta Bhawan Loughborough
Charity No. 508618