40th Anniversary Messages
“I am privileged to have visited the Geeta Bhawan on my first ever visit to Loughborough, nearly 30 years ago, on day of my registered wedding. Ever since, then the temple has continuously provided divine inspiration to me and my family, a joyful opportunity to be with our community, and commend the selfless services of volunteers who look after the temple. The Geeta Bhawan brings best out of our community - mutual respect, standing with each other in happiness & sorrow and provide an example of the community cohesion. I wish Geeta Bhawan to remain a beacon of guidance for generations to come.”Gopal Sharma JP MBA CITP
“Birth of societal institutions and the homo-sapiens have an uncannily identical pathway from conception to fruition .Just as human life begins with conception to embryonic , foetal , birth , infancy ,adolescence , youth that gallops through thirties and eventually reaching the mile stone of 40 characterized by oft repeated cliche "LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY " The above analogy is aptly applicable the " GEETA BHAWAN " the idea of which was conceived by its FOUNDING FATHERS forty years ago and having gone through all the stages mentioned above ---has reached its prime . Isn't time that the "BHAWAN "----apart from serving its present purpose explores new avenues in the service of the community ?”Manohar Lal Sharma
“Geeta Bhawan is my local mandir. The mandir celebrates lots of different religious festivals such as -Diwali, Holi, Janamashtmi and lord Shiva’s birthday. It holds many different activities too , like dance classes, exercise and karate classes also the play scheme and i like to attend most of them. We are also lucky enough to go on trips sometimes like going to Hare Krishna temple and Elvaston castle. I like Geeta Bhawan because it’s a religious and sociable place. I also like the mandir because the people who go there are polite and kind hearted. Another reason I like the mandir is for the food and after playing for an hour with my friends you need nice food. My favourite reason for going to the mandir is to meet my friends and play with them. I love our mandir. Happy 40th birthday Geeta Bhawan !!”Ryan G Sharma Age 10
“We have been life long members of Geeta Bhawan, trying to always attend functions and ceremonies at the temple with our children. Rakesh and I have always encouraged our children to attend and participate in functions within the community despite leading very busy and dynamic lifestyles. Being members of Geeta Bhawan has taught me that the Loughborough community is unique to any other as it always pulls together in good and bad times, we feel privileged to be part of such a strong, diverse and supporting group of people. We have treasured many memories, for example holding a haven ceremony, inviting friends and family from near and far to the mandir to celebrate our parents 50th wedding anniversary. This day was only possible with the help and support of the community and the members of the mandir.”Rakesh Sharma (BA Hons), Sunita Sharma (BA Hons)
“Over the last 40 years the Geeta Bhawan has become an integral part of the Loughborough Hindu Community. The Geeta Bhawan community has always welcomed people from all walks of life. Having first attended the Geeta Bhawan in 1985, I truly feel part of an extended family. The numerous religious events and activities have helped me in not only learning about Hinduism but reinforced its values in me. To me the Geeta Bhawan community is unique; anyone regardless how often they attend immediately becomes a member of a large, loving, caring, sharing and most helpful family. I can't imagine Loughborough without the Geeta Bhawan. I would also like to praise the committee on their immense dedication and hard work that has made the Geeta Bhawan the wonderful, vibrant and thriving temple that it is today and wish the Geeta Bhawan continued success in the future.”Vijay Sharma
“My association with Geeta Bhawan over the years has very much changed with the cycle of life. As a young child Geeta Bhawan was a place where me and my cousins would often meet at weekends at monthly programs , during summer holidays for great sports days and the jagrata sleepovers we loved. As a teenager / young adult it was a place of identity and community, as a parent a place where I can bring my daughter to ensure she understands our culture and religion and as a son a place where I know my parents will continue to be active in their later years. One thing that stands out for me is the spirit of Geeta Bhawan, the spirit to mobilise people for a common cause in a small town to achieve truly amazing results! God bless Best wishes”Rajesh Sudhir & Family
“I have the privilege and honour to be a life member of the Geeta Bhawan Loughborough and I visit the temple/community centre regularly. I enjoy the monthly Satsang, Mata ka jagrata/ckoki and all other religious celebrations and community activities. Geeta Bhawan plays a great role in providing great opportunities to interact with other I remember as a child in the 70's going to Geeta Bhawan with my Mum and Dad when it was first at St Peters hall on Storer Road. It was the start of an amazing community that I have had the privilege to grow up in. I learnt to play the harmonium and dholki so I could join in with the satsangs and children were encouraged to take part on special occasions: dressing up for Independence Day celebrations, doing readings at Diwali and singing Bhajans. My fondest memories are the Diwali celebrations... Fireworks, raffle, treats and celebrating with the community. The community have become my extended family. Even though we now live a long way away, my husband and I are are lifelong members of Geeta Bhawan and I want my children to grow up with the same sense of belonging, the faith and values that I was lucky enough to have. Happy 40th Anniversary Geeta Bhawan and thank you to all the members that keep it going.”Anu Short (nee’ Chhabra)
“I have been conducting prayers at Geeta Bhawan since 1992 in my capacity as a priest as and when required. Geeta Bhawan ensures all cultural, social, vedic religious and traditional occasions are celebrated at the Centre. It also runs various activities at the Centre which are open to everyone and these activities provide excellent examples of multicultural education. It unites all communities together and everyone is able to participate in the series of programmed activities. Management Committee has always been very hard working and ensures the Centre provides opportunity for everyone to participate without any barriers. My heartiest best wishes to Geeta Bhawan on its 40th anniversary and a prayer from the bottom of my heart that the Centre achieves all its desired goals and provide more and more healthy, stimulating, educational and Vedanta based activities to all.”Pundit Nilesh Shukla